Monday, March 22, 2010

Yes, it's a real place

You're reading this because you know I'm going to Transylvania and want to know what I'm up to (or so I assume). I've been amazed and frustrated by the many responses I get when I tell folks I'm going to Transylvania: "It's a real place?!" "Are you going to see vampires?" "You mean Pennsylvania?" "Huh?!?" "Isn't that in Romania?" "Why?!?" I was almost this ignorant not too long ago too. There are, of course, those handful of you (mostly UUs) who not only know where Transylvania is (a huge region of Romania), but that it is ethnically Hungarian, and that there have been Unitarians there since the 16th century.

I've posted a few links if you want to learn more basics - I'm working on learning them myself!


I leave here on Sunday, March 28 (right after cheering on some friends in the Oakland marathon) and will spend a day in Budapest before taking the train to Kolosvar (Cluj is the Romanian name you'll see on most maps), then another train into the Homorod Valley. I'll spend my first two weeks in the villages there, then come back to Kolosvar for another two weeks of city life - with time in the seminary & high school as well as some day trips to places like Turda (famous for the Edict of Torda).

I'll finish up my trip with two weeks of travel that's unscheduled as of now - perhaps Croatia, Kosovo, Istanbul, Taize...or somewhere you suggest!

I hope to post regularly while travelling, but that will of course depend on internet availability and my time and energy

1 comment:

  1. safe travels and have a fantastic time, Cathy! can't wait to read more about your adventures in what promises to be a very 'real' place indeed.
